Welcome to aTRIAL.
The aTRIAL system, developed by CERES GmbH evaluation & research, is a secure
internet-based Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system, designed to collect data
for clinical studies on medical devices.

aTRIAL's data model is based on the Operational Data Model (ODM) for clinical study data
which was developed by the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium
CDISC) as a standard to
support the acquisition, exchange, submission and
archive of clinical research data and metadata.
aTRIAL reliably collects clinical data, and offers further advantages, such as:
- secure, encrypted, traceable and paperless documentation
- central data acquisition for both single- and multi-centre studies
- accurately-tracked recruitment progress
- prevention of common recording errors
- timely availability of data collected
aTRIAL increases the efficiency of data collection, significantly reducing the
associated costs. The easy-to-use, modular aTRIAL system contains:
- case report forms (CRFs) to be designed individually
- user groups (primary investigator, clinical investigator, sponsor) with specific user rights
- platform-independent online access
Click here to request further details about aTRIAL,
or get further details about aTRIAL by emailing us at
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